I recently learned a hard lesson. I mean DIF-E-CULT. It was a lazy Saturday afternoon, the kids and I were hanging out and we decided to take the dogs to the beach. I wanted to clean out our van real quick, so I had all the doors open and was throwing trash away and tidying up in there.
It occurred to me as I was re-organizing some things in the back that I had a new bulb to replace the reverse light that I suspected had gone out. Well, I’m about to take off on an adventure far from home, and I certainly don’t want to get pulled over by the po po, right? Right. So, it was a good idea to take a few seconds to pop out the old bulb and pop in the new one.
But, I needed someone to put the car in reverse so I could tell if the light was working. Since we live out in the country, it is not uncommon for kids to begin driving around their property as young as 12, so I thought it was a perfect opportunity to put Cameron behind the wheel and get her used to the basics of the car. I thought it would be exciting for her! I called her outside, briefly explained what I was trying to do and told her to get in. By this point, I was feeling rushed and I’m ashamed to admit I was a bit snappy with her when she expressed hesitation. I said something like “You’re not listening, I need you to listen!” I again briefly explained the brake, the gear shift, and that you have to put your foot on the brake before the car will shift into reverse. I think I forgot to explain anything beyond that… So, I switch out the bulb and still standing at the back of the van I say “Ok, put it in reverse now…” The rest of what happened seemed to be in slow motion. Cameron put her foot on the brake, as instructed. She shifted the van into reverse, as instructed. She looked back at me over the seat, eyes huge and fearful. The car began to roll backwards. The eyes looking back at me got even more huge, and even more fearful. Before I could say “brake!” she panicked and slammed her foot onto the brake, but she was still staring at me in terror, and hit the gas instead. Luckily I thought quickly and jumped sideways. I almost got out of the way, but the wheels were turned slightly and the van swung around, the corner hitting me hard enough to knock me to the ground. She tried again to slam on the brake, but still looking at me, in complete horror now, she hit the gas a second time. As I was getting up off the ground, the van knocked me down again…then I saw her face. My child was white as a sheet, stuck in the moving vehicle with absolutely no clue what to do…and she thought she’d killed her mother!
At that point my only thought was that I had to save my baby! Somehow I had to get myself into that vehicle! As I come up off the ground again, I hurled myself toward the open door of the van. The plan that raced through my mind in that instant was to push the brake with my hand to stop the van and save Cameron from this devastating situation I had put her in, and whatever would happen next. But as I came up, the open door hit me hard and knocked me down yet again. In that moment, the van slammed into a tree on the other side of the driveway and came to a stop. Thank the stars! Cameron jumped out and ran to the back, jumping up and down, crying hysterically “Are you alright? Mom, are you alright?” As I stood up that final time, I felt a very strange sensation in my thigh. Not a pain, really, more like a popping or ripping of some sort. Immediately my thigh felt swollen and my shorts were completely soaked with some kind of oily clear fluid. There was a tiny bit of blood, but mostly it was clear, and there was ALLOT of it. I had never seen anything like it before, and I knew that probably meant it was bad. But before I could deal with that, I urgently needed to reassure Cam that I was okay.
I hugged her, assured her that none of what just happened was her fault, I told her I was so so sorry I had put her in that position, but I was fine. I returned the van to it’s parking place, noticing that about 3″ of the corner of the door, metal and I now noticed very dirty, was wet. I remember thinking “That must be what got my leg…” I turned off the van and we went inside together. Of course Skylar could immediately tell something had happened and wanted to know what was going on. I explained that we had a little accident and something was wrong with my leg, but it’s really no big deal, everything is fine and they should go watch tv. I kept calmly repeating “Everything is fine.” Then I asked Cam to call their Dad. You don’t know this about me yet, but I am a huge baby. When it comes to broken bones, cuts or any serious booboo’s, I just can’t handle it. Really, when something happens I feel exactly like a six year old child that needs her mommy to handle things. As you can imagine, I was so afraid. But I had to see, so I gathered bandages, medical tape, scissors, towels anything I could think of that I might need to quickly cover it up and hide it away so I didn’t have to look at it anymore. Once I got it all together, I locked myself in the bathroom and stood on a towel to remove my shorts…and I almost fainted when pieces of my leg fell out of my shorts onto the floor. I’m talking really big chunks of my leg fell off (not THAT big, but it sure felt like it, and frankly I think ANY piece of you falling on the floor is too big.). The wound was toward the back of the side of my thigh, and I was somewhat relieved that the angle was wrong for me to see it easily in the mirror. But I didn’t try very hard either. I just grabbed a hand towel and pressed it to the wound, at which point I felt another piece loosely bouncing against my leg. OMG! I was literally holding my leg together with a hand towel! Talk about GROSS!
I heard Cam say “No, everything’s fine…” on the phone to her dad. In my mind I’m screaming “NO THE HELL IT IS NOT FINE!” But I calmly said, “honey, let me talk to daddy please.” When I got him on the phone I walked away and told him “The GIRLS are fine. I am not. We had an accident and I need your help.”
He said he would be there in 15 minutes, he was in his car and on the way. After hanging up I suddenly realized I didn’t have any pants on. I can’t have my ex coming over when I don’t have any freaking pants on! I found some shorts that would be easy to slide into and short enough that he could see the wound and help me bandage it.
When he arrived he followed me into the bathroom saying “let me see! let me see it!” but I was married to this man for 8 years and I know he is a mega drama queen. He blows things hugely out of proportion, and I panic in response…but I really didn’t need any help in that department! I shut the bathroom door behind him and said “I need you to NOT SAY A WORD. Don’t react in any way! I need you to quickly put a bandage on this so I can get to the hospital. BUT DON’T SAY A WORD. If you panic, I will panic.” So I removed the towel…and of course the look on his face made me panic. To his credit, he remained very calm as he said “put the towel back, we can’t bandage that. We need to get you to the hospital.” Well that’s just freaking GREAT!
After a brief phone call to a paramedic buddy of his, he told me that he would take the kids and I could drive myself to the emergency room but I needed to hurry because if the fat gets into the bloodstream…blahblahblah I’m not listening! I have to drive myself? What? Ok, I can do this!
It was a 40 minute drive, and my blood pressure was through the roof when I got there. The nurse tried to send me away it looked so bad, but the Dr. said he could do it and worked on stitching me up for about an hour. Then they sent me on my merry way, bruised, battered and ashamed of being so stupid.
All in all, we were so lucky that day! If I hadn’t gotten out from behind the van… if Skylar had been standing beside me like she normally is…if Cam hadn’t hit the tree and stopped…for days Cameron and I both had nightmares about all the ways it could have gone, and we are both very thankful it happened the way it did, despite the trauma, the yuck, the stitches and the 6″ scar it left behind. Oh, and I broke my big toe too. That guy will never be the same, and neither will my kid! The dogs never made it to the beach either…