As Independence Day has drawn near, the girls have grown more excited by the day. It surprises me each time a holiday comes to realize just how important our traditions are to them.
There are several things my little family always does on July 4th. We spend the day together, most importantly. But we also dress in red, white and blue and wear special baubles in our hair. In the morning we go to the nearby town of Sopchoppy to watch the amazing Independence Day parade downtown. After the parade, we come back home and spend the day together eating great food and relaxing. We always make a Jello “raise your flag” cake. Skylar was so excited this year that she took the initiative to get the recipe out and make our shopping list in preparation for it. We also experiment with a new trifle recipe. This tradition is relatively new, we’ve only been doing it for a few years now, but we all love it. They are so beautiful when they’re finished and oh so good! This year we made a strawberry lemon trifle, and learned how to make homemade lemon curd! Together we also make BBQ, baked beans, mac & cheese and corn on the cobb.
In the evening we drive to another small town nearby, park our car on the side of the road, put our chairs out in the middle of the road, and watch an amazing fireworks display. And then more dessert. What a wonderful day!
Five reasons these traditions are so important:
They give us time to slow down and appreciate what matters. Life is hectic, always bustling from one obligation to the next. It isn’t uncommon for families to barely see each other as everyone runs from one thing to the next. Spending quality time with the people we love during a holiday, doing special things together, is not only rewarding, it also strengthens the bonds of those relationships.
They reaffirm our beliefs and values. Family celebrations act as a reminder of what we consider important, the values we hold dear. Our children learn to appreciate these values as we lead by example.
They create a sense of belonging. When the family comes together to celebrate holidays it provides everyone, especially children, with feelings of unity and security. Safety. Reminding us, and our children, that this is my tribe and we like doing things together!
They provide structure and routine. It’s fun to have special ways to celebrate, but having those things that we always do together also reassures the kids that everything is just as it is suppose to be.
They leave positive memories of childhood. Looking back, your children will appreciate the time you spent with them. The fun things you did together and the things you taught them. These experiences will prove invaluable, and as adults they will look back on the memories of your time together fondly. Who knows, they may even continue those same traditions with their own families.
How does your family celebrate Independence day? I would love for you to share any special traditions you have!
Lemon Strawberry Trifle: Delicious! You can find the recipe at
Kraft’s Jello “Raise Your Flag Cake,” a family favorite year after year